Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Whole 30 and 10K training

So the running thing.... it's actually going much better than expected. I can run up to 5 miles without stopping. I'm slower than a turtle stampeding through peanut butter, but I run. I even started getting up early and running. I get up around 5:10 am and am out the door by 5:25 am. It's actually working out. I don't go every day. And haven't been this week, but I'm feeling really good about it. The only thing is that I have to go to bed no later than 9 pm the night before.

Saturday's I reserve for my big runs. During the week I only run about 2.5 miles. But hey, I'm not complaining. 

Now about this Whole 30 thing. I'm still reading the book "It Starts with Food" and main gist of it seems to be, for 30 days commit to yourself that you will only eat good food. No Dairy, No grains, no sugar, no legumes (beans and peanuts). But you can eat fruit, even though they are high in sugar, they are also high in vitamins and nutrients and fiber. 

Today is day 3, and I have to say it's actually a lot easier than I thought. I do have to put more effort into planning my meals, but it's worth it. Today is the second day I haven't been super tired. I guess normally, the second and third day are the hardest because your body is detoxing from all the crap you've eaten, but they haven't been hard for me, probably because I tried to eat well a few days before the program, and because I've been taking some pretty amazing probiotics for about a week before hand. 

Ever heard of Diatomacious Earth? It's awesome. If you decide to get some, make sure it's food grade, and that you do your research and learn how to take it and what the amazing benefits are. So far, I have noticed a reduction in the amount my knee and ankle "click" when I exercise. Check it out, it's worth your time. 

So what I eat on the Whole 30 plan, meat. I love me some protein. I've found these chicken patties at Trader Joe's that are Whole 30 compatible. They are way tasty and super easy. I eat either steamed veggies or a salad, and some fruit. I can't have butter on my veggies, but you can have Ghee, or it's also called Clarified butter. 

I can also have potatoes !! So I am not feeling deprived at all. It's really awesome. I will let you know soon if I lose any weight. Right now I'm just enjoying the extra energy.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


So my sister in law talked me into doing a 10K with her in May. It's the Tinkerbell Run at Disneyland. She didn't have to talk to me very hard to get me to go along. But this is going to give me some serious motivation.
Since July, I have lost 10 pounds. Very slow going, but at least I've kept it off. Now I have the motivation to do something more. I don't want to have to walk the 10k, I want to run it. This week, I started Monday going running on my lunch break again. Now that the temperature is under 75 degrees regularly, it's a lot easier to get a run in. And today, I was able to run a full mile without stopping. So here's what I've done this week:
Monday - run/walk, 1 hour Zumba, 20 minutes yoga
Tuesday - 25 minute workout ball routine for core
Wednesday - Didn't do much, but I did teach a dance lesson, so that's more than nothing.
Thursday - Ran a full mile. I also plan on doing some buns and thighs and some arms later after work.
Friday - My plan is to run a mile on my lunch break again, and then do Zumba again after work.
Saturday - This is going to be tricky because I need to travel and go to an event in the morning, then help clean my church around 3 pm. So I may have to get up early....yuck. Early mornings on Saturday are not fun.

So that's my plan. Hopefully I can do it all. So far so good.

Friday, June 20, 2014

I found it!....Maybe

So I've been searching and searching for what will work for me. Just a low calorie diet doesn't work. Adding more exercise doesn't work. Diet pills don't work, Green smoothies for breakfast don't work.

I went to my doctor on Monday and she said that you REALLY need to get your 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily. Our bodies really need that much.

So this week, I had a plan. First, try to cut carbs down. Second, try to get the recommended fruits and veggies per day into my diet. Here's what I've eaten all week.

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg with a small amount of cheese and a small handful of turkey sausage on a whole wheat tortilla.

Mid morning snack: 1 pk of Belveta whole grain breakfast biscuits.

Lunch: Soup

Mid afternoon snack: Side salad

Dinner: Green smoothie

This seems to be working and I think it's easy enough to stick to for a while. I know I'm not going to be able to keep this up for the weekend, but I have a plan for the weekend. We are having company over for Dinner on Saturday so I am making a lasagna with zucchini instead of pasta noodles. And Sunday I am making dinner for my in laws, a low carb enchilada bake. So we'll see how that goes with the success I'm having with the other stuff. Wish me luck!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Again

So I've been really down this week. My husband and I have been having some issues.Stuff that I think is important, doesn't seem like it's important to him. So that's life.

So that and plus the fact that the measly little 3 pounds I had lost, I gained all back, really didn't make me a happy camper. Well, now I'm finally going back down. lost about 1.5 of that 3, so that's happy.

I have made a doctor's appointment for later this month, maybe she can give me some help on why I'm not making any progress. Wish me luck.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Wrap Up and AMAZING Chocolate pie

So it's been a while.... Sorry about that. What has been going on lately? More of the same and still not much progress. My sister in law was diagnosed with Diabetes last month, so when I make desserts on Sunday I have to keep that in mind now.

With that, a couple weeks ago, I made the most amazing no crust chocolate pie. Oh my Gosh!! This thing was SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD. Here is the link and recipe.

I used honey in mine and found I needed about 4 to 5 TBLS of it. As for the whip cream on top, I just used stevia and the combination together was perfect.

I also found it didn't come out of the pan as nicely as the picture. I might try just putting it in a serving bowl next time and save the effort.


Quick n’ Dirty Chocolate Pie
Serves 8-10
2-4 tablespoons organic heavy cream
1/3-1/2 cup erythritol, powdered, OR 3 tablespoons honey
2 cups ricotta cheese
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon good tasting pure stevia extract
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
Powder erythritol (if using) in coffee grinder or Magic Bullet. Add heavy cream, honey (or erythritol), salt, ricotta, stevia, and vanilla to food processor. Blend for a couple minutes, until perfectly smooth. No lumps! Melt unsweetened chocolate on HIGH in microwave for 40 seconds. Stir, and melt chocolate in 15 second intervals until liquefied. Scrape chocolate into food processor and blend until thoroughly incorporated, with no streaks of chocolate visible. Taste filling, and add more stevia if necessary. Spread filling into a pie plate lined with plastic wrap. Chill until firm. Remove from pie plate using plastic wrap, and invert onto a flat surface. Invert again on to serving platter. Top with stevia-sweetened fresh whipped cream (3/4 cup), piped from a zip top bag with the corner cut. Grate 85% cacao chocolate over whipped cream if desired.

I haven't made much progress on the weight loss. Since my sister in law is now diabetic, she has been using the MyFitnessPal app, and I've used it before, but stopped for a long time. But I figured if she can do it, I might as well start up again. My sister in WA was also on it and had stopped, but when I told her I was doing it again, she decided she would too. She's lost 9 lbs in the last month. Which is really awesome for her. I have lost none. 
Part of the problem is that I don't do very well on the weekends. Last weekend was Memorial day and we went to the beach, I did not eat healthy at all. Still, with all the workouts I've been doing and the improved diet I have been doing, no progress? How does that work? 
I went to a silent auction dinner fundraiser at my church the other week and I won a diet and fitness consultation with a guy from my church. I need to set that up and see if he can help me. Otherwise I'm afraid I may have to go to a doctor. I don't like going to the doctor unless I'm dying, so you can see why I've put it off.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day! And another Friday wrap up.

Well another Friday has come, so here's my week in review. I was all ready to start running again on Monday until Mother Nature decided to Bitch Slap me in the face. Yes, that time of the month once again. I really thought I was pregnant but turns out NO. Dang it. Well there's always next month.

As for the running, it didn't get done on Monday. Tuesday I at least went for a walk, then worked out after work with my friend. Wednesday I got out there to run, finally. And Thursday I ran as well. I wasn't able to run a complete mile without stopping, I had to walk at about the 3/4 mark, but then I did a full mile total of running.

As for today, my friend bought me lunch because I had done her hair for a ballroom dance event and she felt she owed me. So I ate really unhealthy but it was SOOOOO good. I don't regret it. My plans for the weekend could be interesting. At church a lady is starting a Saturday morning workout class, so I'll be going to that. I'll be teaching a dance class to our church youth, Saturday night. Sunday my sister and her family are in town so we are going to go to Midevil Times for dinner, and Monday since we have it off, we are going with them to Universal Studios. I haven't been in about 20 years, so it should be fun.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly wrap up

This week I ran at least 1 mile everyday on my lunch break except for today. I even made it 1.25 miles twice. I had to take a break today because I had a Chiropractor appointment, and I remember them when I schedule them on my lunch, not so much when it's after work. You know how it is when you get in the car and you mind just goes on auto pilot to take you home. Ya, that happens to me all the time.

This week I worked out with my friend twice. We did a work out video that is anywhere from 18 to 30 minutes, then her daughter comes out and we do a dance game on the Xbox Kinect. I really pushed myself to get a good workout from this, and let's just say the next morning I was very sore. Both days.

This week I meditated every day when I woke up. I have a hard time staying in the legs crossed position as it puts my right leg to sleep, but I do it for at least 7 minutes and I have more energy because of it. I want to keep this up because I am liking how I feel.

I took my measurements the other night. There wasn't much of a difference, but around the fattest part of my middle I had dropped an inch. I'll take it. I don't really care what the scale says, but I care about what the tape measure says.